What can't you treat?

At MedOnline we are keen to practice responsible medicine. Whilst we can do a lot of great medicine just talking to you face-to-face, there will always be some things we cannot diagnose over a video link (no matter how good the quality of the link).

Urgent presentations should always go to the Emergency Department. We cannot listen to your chest or look in your ear. Many conditions where you would reasonably expect your doctor to examine you, please go to see your normal GP or healthcare professional.

However, that said, there are plenty of things we can do - and we are bulding a list here.

Want to talk?

Book an appointment for a video consultation if you've read the above, but still think we should be able to help you.

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MedOnline - virtual doctors for New Zealand. We aim to be the future of healthcare in New Zealand, connecting you with qualified online doctors easily and at more convenient times.

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